Media literacy is a conscious effort to provide an inclusive access to media that is factual, and not fictitious. This can be accomplished in many ways, one of which is advocating for a more inclusive culture and analyzing the impact media has on individuals. This is so important because there is so much information to be consumed within the media, which gives ample opportunity for misinformation to be passed around. On the opposite end of the spectrum there is the possibility that information is withheld from some people or pushed down and never allowed to surface. Being media literate is to have the ability to critically analyze information you find in the media, and to be able to form a good opinion based on true, solid information. 

The concept of media literacy is often dismissed because the idea that people can push their own agendas within media spaces is not considered to be a ‘big deal’, and that surely the internet will only ever contain true facts. 

It’s important to have varied views within your PLN so you can have access to a wealth of different opinions and sources of information. In having this, you are able to use critical analysis skills to separate fact from fiction, and come to a consensus on your own, which will hopefully be the right one.